Once you have a website or an application, rate of operation is critical. The swifter your website performs and then the quicker your web apps operate, the better for you. Given that a website is just a number of files that connect with one another, the devices that keep and access these files have a vital role in site operation.

Hard disk drives, or HDDs, were, until recent times, the most reliable devices for storing data. Nevertheless, in recent years solid–state drives, or SSDs, have already been rising in popularity. Take a look at our assessment chart to find out if HDDs or SSDs are better for you.

1. Access Time


SSD drives give a brand–new & inventive approach to data safe–keeping in accordance with the use of electronic interfaces in lieu of any moving components and rotating disks. This brand–new technology is noticeably faster, making it possible for a 0.1 millisecond data accessibility time.


HDD drives even now utilize the same fundamental data file access technology that’s actually created in the 1950s. Though it was substantially improved since that time, it’s sluggish in comparison with what SSDs are offering. HDD drives’ data file access rate can vary somewhere between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


The random I/O performance is extremely important for the performance of a data storage device. We’ve carried out substantial exams and have established an SSD can manage at the very least 6000 IO’s per second.


During the same lab tests, the HDD drives demonstrated that they are considerably slower, with only 400 IO operations addressed per second. While this looks like a large number, for people with an overloaded server that serves a great deal of well–liked sites, a slow disk drive can lead to slow–loading web sites.

3. Reliability


SSD drives lack any sort of moving elements, meaning that there’s much less machinery inside them. And the fewer literally moving components you will find, the lower the probability of failing are going to be.

The standard rate of failing of any SSD drive is 0.5%.


HDD drives utilize spinning hard disks for keeping and reading data – a concept since the 1950s. Along with disks magnetically suspended in mid–air, spinning at 7200 rpm, the possibilities of something going wrong are generally higher.

The standard rate of failure of HDD drives can vary amongst 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives operate nearly soundlessly; they don’t make excess heat; they don’t require supplemental air conditioning alternatives and also take in far less power.

Lab tests have shown that the average power utilization of an SSD drive is somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives are famous for becoming noisy. They demand far more energy for cooling down reasons. On a server containing a large number of HDDs running at all times, you will need a lot of fans to keep them cool – this will make them a lot less energy–efficient than SSD drives.

HDDs take in somewhere between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


SSD drives permit a lot faster data file access rates, which generally, in turn, enable the CPU to perform data calls considerably faster and then to return to additional tasks.

The normal I/O hold out for SSD drives is only 1%.


As compared to SSDs, HDDs permit reduced data file access speeds. The CPU is going to wait around for the HDD to return the demanded data file, scheduling its resources for the time being.

The common I/O wait for HDD drives is about 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s time for a few real–world instances. We, at A2Z Business Solutions, produced an entire platform backup on a server using only SSDs for file storage reasons. In that process, the common service time for an I/O request kept beneath 20 ms.


In comparison to SSD drives, HDDs feature much reduced service rates for I/O demands. Throughout a server backup, the average service time for any I/O request ranges somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Speaking about back ups and SSDs – we’ve witnessed a great development in the back–up rate since we moved to SSDs. Currently, a typical hosting server data backup can take simply 6 hours.


In the past, we have worked with principally HDD drives with our servers and we are familiar with their efficiency. With a hosting server equipped with HDD drives, a complete hosting server data backup normally takes about 20 to 24 hours.

If you want to straight away improve the overall general performance of one’s websites without having to adjust any kind of code, an SSD–equipped hosting service is a great choice. Examine our shared website hosting – these hosting solutions have fast SSD drives and are available at the best prices.

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